wrightWINGS is an Aviation and Aerospace EdTech company that inspires and trains future innovators in flying machines, UAVs (drones), and space technology.
A purpose-driven organization. We believe that the future is full of opportunities and that we will need curious and courageous minds to seize the opportunities with confidence.
Our Inspirational Legend
One of the earliest registered accounts of human-crewed flight is an ancient Greek myth of Daedalus and his son, Icarus. The legend goes telling of the father and his son who were imprisoned on the island of Crete. Aspiring for freedom, they explored the means of escaping and concluded that flying was the way to escape. Secretly, they collected feathers from the sea birds and wax from the bees to make their wings. When the time came, the father, Daedalus, and his son, Icarus, melted the wax on their arms and glued the birds’ feathers to make wings. When the wax cooled, they flapped their wings and took off over the Aegean Sea in hopes of reaching freedom.
Their aspiration for freedom, curiosity to finding a solution and courage to take the final leap made them achieve the unthinkable. With Inspiration, Curiosity & Courage they built their own flying machine.
Our Values
Be Inspirational
It all starts with inspiration. Inspiration awakens us to new possibilities by allowing us to transcend our ordinary experiences and limitations
Be Curious
Most of the breakthrough discoveries and remarkable inventions throughout history have one thing in common: Curiosity
Be Courageous
Courage gives us the power to chase things of significance to us. It bolsters self-confidence and allows us to believe in our abilities.